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BEYOND THE PALE: ( The Outlander ) Page 11

  River had a naturally assertive and confident nature, but more and more he felt Audrina was subjugating it with her stronger confidence and nature. He felt like he was a horse that she was slowly breaking in. She seemed to be aware of his resolve weakening and was now slowly reining him in. Throughout the day she played him. An example of her shenanigans was her asking him to fetch coffee. River had agreed particularly because she was busy, but he felt that she took advantage of his compliant nature when she sent him to collect it from the restaurant three floors up instead of the adjacent vending machine. River arrived back with two coffees intending to take a break along with her, but before he has a chance to sit down and drink his own, she sweetly asks him to deliver some paper invoices to some designated officers in the building telling him that was urgent. When he returned, she asked him to shred some paperwork of hers and file away some other work telling him that the sooner that he can get it done, the sooner they could get ready to go home. River resented this role of gofer and assistant that Audrina had manipulated him into. He was also feeling very frustrated. This reflected in his attitude when he set off with on another errand with more of her filing. However he soon got a surprise when she followed him into the secluded annex where he was working. She came up behind him and pressed her body tightly into his, spooning him. Her right hand reached around his front to cup and squeezes his crotch, whilst her left squeezed and rubbed his buttocks. River stood there doing nothing other than accepting and relishing his predicament. She then cut him loose and told him to get his things together and to get ready to go home. River was left feeling very sexually frustrated.

  On the journey home by taxi, Audrina became cold and remote towards River. She put on her earpiece and optical communication interface and began playing music privately. Her manner was distant and aloof and River definitely felt ignored. She switched from playing music to phoning a friend. This particular friend was a guy with whom she talked intimately. River considered drowning out her conversation with him by playing his own optical media player, but chose instead to stare out the window feeling a little jealous, a bit rejected and totally sorry for himself. However yet again Audrina took him by surprise, by affectionately reaching over to find his hand and interlinking her fingers with his. She held his hand for a long time only breaking to run her fingers through his hair and all the while she was talking on her communicator to this other guy.

  When they reached home, River still did not get a chance to talk with Audrina. Instead he was buttonholed by Nathan who requested him to join him on the rooftop terrace where he was working out. He watched with admiration as his friend worked out. Nathan used no weights or resistance machines which seemed so popular amongst the other body toned men of the metropolis. He would just use his own body’s resistance. Pull ups, press ups and sit ups in a fast aerobic style coupled with balance and suppleness training. He tended to exercise a lot whenever he had some free time because strength to weight ratio was crucial to maintain his core ability in the free running which he so enjoyed. On this occasion, River took off his shirt and shoes and joined him. It was a warm early evening and the Sun was getting lower in the sky. They both enjoyed this session together as they kept pace with each other demonstrating mutual stamina, fitness and natural strength. It was really a bonding session which helped them recognise a joint interest which they shared. This made River feel all the worse for holding his affection for this man’s daughter. Nathan was his friend and not his father in law. Also River appreciated from his own culture and upbringing, the disrespect he was showing his host by the immoral behaviour with his daughter. Almost on call, as if he was reading his mind, Nathan started talking about Audrina, “I hope my daughter has been treating you nicely. She can be a bit snappy at times but she is very special to me. I have noticed she seems quite enamoured with you. Make sure you protect her River. I trust you to take care of her.” Nathan’s words lingered in the night air; River was still searching them for hidden meanings. He could only answer by nodding in agreement, but other than that he could find no words. Thankfully Nathan changed the subject, “We are still working on a non custodial identity bracelet for you…” he paused for emphasis “...But it may not be ready before I take you free running with me this weekend Outside.” There was no mistaking the emphasis placed on the word ‘outside’. Nathan was still very cautious about his words and actions being able to incriminate him. He was trying to tell River that he intended to get him back to his people this weekend.

  “That will be good,” replied River implying a double meaning. “I don’t want to burden everyone with having to baby sit me all the time.” Although he could not express it out loud, River was shocked by the realisation that he would be going back home in a few days time. He didn’t feel ready.

  “Well I didn’t find you a burden today!” - Both men turned around in surprise as Audrina spoke. They both wondered how long she had been standing and listening at the veranda door. “You only got under my feet a little, but after that you were very accommodating and helpful to me. Who knows, I may be able to find you a position there.” -She laughed; and River smiled, but it was more like a grin of embarrassment. However her blatant double meaning seemed thankfully lost on her father, as did his on her. -“Anyway Daddy, Mother says that dinner is ready and you need to come to the table.”

  Major Carlson immediately took heed of his daughters warning. Valerie prepared all the family’s meals. She was old fashioned and wouldn’t have it any other way. She reigned in the kitchen, and ruled over the dining table. It was not in your interest to miss or be late for dinner without giving her fair warning. In fact etiquette said that you didn’t even leave the table without her permission.

  After dinner, it was Audrina who asked first to be excused, and she apologised for being tired and retired to her room. Both Valerie and Nathan found it strange that it was Audrina heading off to her room rather than Anton. After dinner, he always retired to his room for the rest of the evening. Tonight however, he seemed keen enough to stay with River and his parents to watch some family entertainment together. Both parents were happy at these changes being induced in Anton’s character through the influence of River.

  Soon enough, River retired to his room to sleep. Nathan who would be chaperoning him tomorrow had warned him that they had an early start. After he left, both Valerie and Anton also retired to their rooms leaving only Nathan up.

  River was used to sleeping communally at home, so he was not practiced at spending time in his room for purposes other than changing clothes or sleeping. He had soon turned off his light and was wresting once again with trying to sleep on these soft furnishings. His light had been off for less than 10 minutes before the door to his room opened and Audrina admitted herself. River wondered if she was looking for her charging device once again. This time however she was wearing a modest dressing gown and she turned his bedroom light on.

  She put a finger to her lips suggesting absolute quiet so as not to alert her father's attention. River acknowledged this but when she pulled his quilt off the bed revealing him to be naked. He attempted to sit up and cover himself, and was about to ask her to leave. Audrina climbed forward on to the bed, on all fours. She gently pushed him back so that he was now lying down face up. Then she firmly parted his legs so that he was spread-eagled whilst once again suggesting total silence as she exaggeratedly put her finger to her mouth. She knelt between his legs at the bottom of the bed and she gestured for him to raise his bum as she pushed a pillow underneath him to prop him up. Then she leaned forward and propped another pillow firmly under his head whilst gently grabbing each hand in her own and manoeuvring him into a full spread eagled position. She was still wrapped tightly in her fluffy towelling dressing gown as she mirrored a similar position above him. Perhaps it was because she was now covering his nakedness, or perhaps because he liked the warm soft feeling of her dressing gown pressing against him that River still did nothing to stop her or raise any alarm. In doing so, he
realised that he had made a mistake when she leaned back and tapped on her own custodial bracelet. River did not realise at first what she had done until he tried to move. The simplest movement caused him a terrible electric shock to his nervous system. Yet if he remained still and motionless, he felt no pain. He tried to move again and again but each time the electro shock forced him to just lie there and accept his fate. When he tried to talk, he could not utter a word as if he had been struck dumb. His head remained propped forward and he stared in near panic at her wondering what she had done to him and what her intentions were. Audrina stepped off, but made sure to remain fully in his vision at the foot of his bed. She had his undivided attention and so she slowly and sexily peeled off her dressing gown to reveal what she was wearing underneath. That was very sexy black underwear and a half Basque with stockings and black patent stiletto boots. She climbed on to the bed and brushed his semi erection with her hand which soon became full. Leaning forward she whispered in his ear, “Don’t worry lover, it won’t hurt if you stay still and give me some time to figure out how to work this toy. Anton is such a sweet brother to juice up this controller for me. I think I might play with it a while. I don’t want you to get bored though. So I will give you something interesting to look at,” As promised Audrina turned around in an opposite direction to him and resting her boots across his arms, she sat on her haunches and slowly pushed her bottom backwards. She was inches from his face and still wearing her black lace knickers. Next she began to rub and grind his face until he was familiar with every inch of her underwear. After a while she turned around and started to dry hump his face and then his crotch. She pulled off her knickers and repeated both of these actions again until she could no longer contain her excitement. Then grabbing a hold of his manhood, she inserted it inside her and pushed down on him to the hilt. Once she had mounted him, she was careful to stop all movement of hers. She just held him there and did nothing for a while but allowed herself to reach orgasm, which allowed River to feel every small micro movement and shudder. She was very experienced at what she was doing and soon began to stimulate herself some more. At all times she would not allow him enough movement to stimulate himself to climax. And after many orgasms, she slowly pulled herself off him. As a parting gift, she gently licked him once and watched his manhood throbbing and trying miserably to reach its own climax.

  Leaning forward to whisper in his ear again she told him that she would release him if he promised to be a bad boy. His eyes screamed yes, and so she tapped out the command on her controlling bracelet to release him full control of his body. River wasted no time, he grabbed her and threw her to the bed and then proceeded to make love to her in the missionary position.

  During Intercourse this first time with Audrina, he felt an overwhelming force rip through his body. It was like earth energy finding its way through his lowest chakra energy point and surging through and igniting the pent up sexual energy of his sacral chakra like a firestorm. Equally he felt another surge which was equally vibrant and potent passing through the crown of his head and down the line of his other chakras till it met and infused with the upcoming surge. This he knew to be the rare gift of kundalini opening up a spiritual path for the holy spirit of God to saturate and imbue the earth and sexual energy. He reached this highest state of spiritual ecstasy as he simultaneously reached sexual ecstasy. A fire burned within him and he grabbed a tight hold of Audrina in a real and loving embrace and stared deeply into her eyes as if searching for her soul. Audrina felt very different than when she had had sex before; something was different, something bigger than her and something which she was unable to control or dominate. She stared back into River’s eyes and felt something almost mysterious that she did not comprehend or could explain. She felt an overwhelming sexual satisfaction as she climaxed and reached an all consuming orgasm simultaneously with River. This was a kama-sutra experience which had overwhelmed them both. This was the point of conception.

  He continued to hold her and kiss her. The eroticism and pure lust was replaced by affection, desire and love. River who has been dying to do this all day did not want to relinquish his conquest too soon. He has been dying to talk to her for the last many hours but now he only wanted to talk to her purely with his eyes. As he stared into her eyes, he held her attention firmly for the next hour until she decided that it was time to return to her own room.

  Chapter Thirteen

  River sat in the back of the CPS enforcement vehicle which Sgt. Scott was driving and had collected them in. He was definitely feeling uniform envy, even though he had dressed in black to fit in with his two chaperones today. Major Carlson hadn’t even bothered to sign in River under some dubiously fake pretext. Sgt. Scott pointed out that as he would be wearing a custodial bracelet all the time and sitting in the back, so he would just look like some arrested suspect being driven downtown. This was their destination anyway. Carlson had asked River which part of the city he would like to be shown, and with no hesitation he had asked to be shown the areas where most of the other Natives lived and worked in the metropolis. Downtown was the colloquial name for a sector of the metropolis which comprised the four highest District numbers. Districts 17 to 20 inclusive were without doubt the poorest and least controlled districts in the metropolis of New Denver. They were located near the radial point of the high walled hexagon which was New Denver. Downtown was actually quite close in proximity to the uptown gaiety and exuberance of the central zone comprising districts 1 to 3. However neither was really accessible to each other. Most of the central zone was built on raised construction platforms. All the main transport routes to the central zone were constructed at a higher level and so most actually passed directly over downtown. Other wealthier and more salubrious districts which bordered downtown were also raised higher and more prominent. This gave the impression that Downtown seemed to occupy a pit underneath its wealthier neighbours. As a result Sunlight was often obscured from these high numbered districts, and was often supplemented by artificial lighting. It was this lacking in natural light as well as the feeling of over bearing constructions and transport infrastructure which gave the oppressive feeling to you when you were downtown. Another oppressing reality was the feeling of being bound in with limited access outside of the sector. So the only real access to the central zone was to the basement service levels under it. It was literally like the workman’s entrance because most of the unskilled service and retail jobs in central were staffed by the residents of downtown. Downtown residents had to take the crowded and less salubrious transport routes into the central zone which did not cross paths with those other transport links from the nicer residential districts. This represented a transport planning anomaly which created a convenient apartheid between the wealthier and poorer citizens. The other routes in and out of downtown were through the industrial zones which conveniently provided another source of lower paid employment but which also shielded downtown from direct access to other wealthier residential and business districts.