BEYOND THE PALE: ( The Outlander ) Read online

Page 15

  The others had decided to stretch their legs and go outside for a walk. They had taken an interest in River and Nathan’s antics on horseback but had decided not to join in, allowing the two of them some space. Hassun had informed Isa and Ishtur that the metropolitan friend of their brother had taken two cups of mushroom and honey tea despite Geren’s warning. Geren had not pushed the point because he and Isuzu were also drinking the same tea which was only a mild hallucinogenic. Isuzu remarked that a little piece of altered perception might help to make the man think straight.

  A good evening full of spirited camaraderie followed a good afternoon. Even Isa had come around to join in the spirit of things. He decided to take his turn at food preparation, and cooked a meal that was well received by everybody. Although no one else chose to indulge in the mushroom tea, there pipe was re-packed with cannabis often throughout the evening and added a sense of humour and frivolity to the collective spirit.

  The next day, everyone took advantage of the shade from the piercing morning sun and slept in for a few hours. Ishtur arose first and made tea; this time it was just honey tea. River got up and joined her wanting to spend a little more time with his sister aware that he would leaving in a few hours. He loved his sister and talking to her, it occurred to him how much he had missed her and wished that Audrina could share some of her characteristics. Whilst talking together Ishtur was staring intently into River’s eyes in a similar way that Audrina did when she returned his stare. Ishtur had something that she needed to impart privately to her brother - “Brother, unlike the others here today, I see you through the eyes of a woman. And those eyes see a change in you. Perhaps it is a change of the heart. I feel that you may have given your heart to someone who is not present; but I can clearly feel her presence in your heart and in your thoughts,” River was alarmed by his sister’s prescience. She noted his concern, “You do not need to answer; you do not need to worry. I will say nothing of these words to anyone but I want you to know my brother, that just as I love you, you too must follow your heart and trust it. Even if harsh words are spoken to you today, you must still follow your heart’s direction whatever the outcome.” River felt that there was nothing he could say to his sister that would be the equal of hers in truth and insight. Instead he pulled her tightly into an embrace and lifted her off her feet in a bear hug.

  By high noon, it was time for Nathan and River to get ready to leave. Nathan extended his best regards, but allowed River longer to speak personally with each member of the group. It was with Isa that he spoke the longest. Isa had had time now to reflect up on River’s decision to go back to the metropolis, but despite this he had not changed his views. He summarised his reservations, “I don’t want us to part on these terms. You stand firm against my counsel for the second time. I know that I can not change your mind where this man Nathan Carlson is involved. But I still hold to the same fear that if you go back you will not be allowed to return to us again. It is because you won’t let me come with you that I fear this. I fear you are a prisoner of the Blue Horse.”

  “I was able to leave this time and so I can leave again. It is not a problem,” River looked to Nathan for reassurance.

  “Whenever River wants to go, I will get him out safe and sound again,” said Nathan loud enough to reassure Isa as well as Geren who even though he stood by his earlier decision was still looked concerned for River’s safety.

  Isa acknowledged Nathans assurance but spoke directly to River, “If those words are true, then I want to meet you here next season. I will wait here from dawn to dusk exactly three months from today. If you come, you can tell me then that you are safe but wish to return and I will believe you. If you do not come, I will assume that you are prevented from doing so. Swear this to me my brother and I will also give you my blessing.”

  “I swear this brother, you will see me here again in three months.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was late afternoon when they arrived back at the west gate of New Denver’s great walls. They were able to pass through the Environment Office checkpoints without incident, and they drove on to a nearby storage depot where Major Carlson booked his Rough Rider into long term parking.

  By the time they reached home both Valerie and Anton were there. They both received a warm welcome from them, but nothing that implied that they were not expecting River to return.

  Anton invited River to join him in his room, and he appeared very inquisitive about his father’s sports activities outside. River explained briefly what they got up to at the Flat Iron peaks near the old city of Boulder. He also recapped on his experience driving the Rough Rider. Anton acted a little left out.

  “Would you have come with us?” enquired River

  “Probably not, but I wish my father would have asked me,” explained Anton forlornly.

  “He must think that you wouldn’t like it out there,” stated River trying to defend Nathan in his absence. Secretly he felt that Nathan was amiss here. He made a mental point to try and persuade Nathan to act more inclusive with his son.

  River elected to change the subject. He fondly remembered his day at university with Anton and how that girl had given Anton her contact details, “How are things working out with Sarah?”

  “Oh yes Sarah, things are progressing nicely,” claimed Anton.

  “Okay; How so?” River didn’t really trust Anton’s answer; he wanted specifics.

  “Ah you know, I have been busy but I still found out a lot about the girl. She is very interesting. I think I like her.”

  “Are you telling me, that you have or haven’t been in contact with her?” River was pushing Anton on this subject due to his practiced evasiveness.

  “Well not directly, but I have found a lot of data on her and uploaded her social networking history and private portfolios into the virtual date program…” Anton hadn’t finished speaking but River stopped him there.

  “So you haven’t contacted her directly or spoken to her since, but you have built a virtual simulation of this girl,” River shook his head slowly and exaggeratedly. “PLEASE Anton! Why do you always try to find a computerised and technical solution to any and every social issue in your life,” and having said this River reached over to grab hold of Anton’s communicator and held it up to him as a non returnable offering.

  “What? What do you want me to do?” barked Anton defensively.

  “You are going to phone this girl Sarah right now. No excuses. You are going to do this whilst I sit here with you.”

  “I can call her later. I don’t think she will be home now. Besides I am not good on the phone; maybe I can speak to her at college instead,” Anton was groping for a get out clause but River still proffered him the communicator. Anton was almost sweating blood but he snatched the headset, “Oh alright! If it makes you happy,” and he dialled Sarah’s number. She was home.

  River stood by his friend throughout the call. Privacy was not an option here; he had to listen make sure that his friend was successfully facing and overcoming his demons. And those demons were nervousness and social ineptitude. River understood that these could both be overcome and mastered with experience. He listened with pride as his friend chatted confidently on the phone with Sarah. He could just about make out her voice, and from what he could hear; this girl was acting quite fond of Anton. This was a life lesson where Anton was learning to express himself and talk with a girl without falling over. He didn’t even have to ask her out on a date, because Sarah had done that instead.

  “What do you reckon?” Anton exclaimed when he came off the phone. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat and very happy indeed with himself.

  “I think you did well brother, but I was not too happy about you letting Sarah ask you out. She only did that because you abdicated in that respect. You have to promise me Anton that you will tell this girl that you like her and want to spend time in her company.”

  “I will make sure that I say that to her, brother,” Anton accentuated the word wh
ich River had just addressed him with. “But I may have to rephrase it a bit more socially cool.”

  Both guys were happy with the outcome. Anton was really happy that he had mastered what was a nervous situation for him and that it was now behind him. He felt good about himself and his nervousness was now replaced by a feeling of anticipation for the date; but that was a much nicer feeling. Anton felt very grateful to River for his help and direction. He grabbed hold of his arm and held it whilst trying to find some fitting words for his new best friend. However the only words he could find was “Thank You” as opposed to saying ‘Cheers’ which was his usual exclamation of gratitude. River stared him directly in the eye and told him that today he was brave. He then embraced Anton in a bear hug. Anton who did not like his personal space being invaded, or too much body contact slightly withdrew. However he quickly changed his mind, and was soon returning River’s all embracing hold in an expression of brotherly love.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, Anton was sitting at his desk editing lines of code on a work project. As usual, he was totally absorbed in what he was doing and oblivious to River lying on his bed playing with mini holographic models of famous buildings. In this rare foray of his into the world of technical gadgets, he was amusing himself by building an imaginary mini city landscape. The shock of the door forcibly opening caught both young men off guard as they turned to watch Audrina bursting in. She stood motionless for a second just inside the room fixing predatory eyes on River. She back flipped the door closed with her heel and then dived on to the bed knocking River flat on his back. Next she pinned his hands down under hers and straddled him, sitting on top of his body like a wrestler pushing for a submission.

  Anton watched in surprise and shock as he saw his sister bear down slowly and menacingly on his friend until she was locking lips with his. His second reaction was embarrassment and he looked away and back to his display screen. However, curiosity got the better of him and he turned back to see them still in a deep and overtly sexual embrace. His brain computed through the options, and there were two obvious connotations; his sister and River obviously felt passionately about each other, and this was not their first date. Anton was disturbed; He felt party to a secret that he didn’t want to know. Feeling more than a little uncomfortable as he watched them still carrying on as if he wasn’t in the room, he decided to not be in the room, and got up and went out to the kitchen. When he returned later, neither of them were there; however It had not escaped his attention that Audrina’s bedroom light was on whilst River’s was not.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nathan had already left for work by the time River had arisen for breakfast. He had however left a message for him with Valerie. The message said that a non-custodial identity bracelet was ready, and that Nathan would pass by at midday to collect and take him to the Citizens Protection and Security Headquarters for the fitting.

  So once everyone had gone to work River found himself in his own company for a welcome change. He used the time to exercise out on the roof terrace, and by midday he had showered and dressed in his pseudo military style outfit and was ready to head off. Nathan was on time as usual and explained the etiquette of the CPS HQ on the journey.

  “This is not a public access building. It adjoins the Office of the Interior, so there will be a large number of security and intelligence officers walking around in different uniforms. You won’t find any citizens in the building, nor patrolmen or local district enforcement officers. So you may attract some undue attention, River. Do not say anything; just let me do the talking. Stay with me and don’t wander off. Understood?” Nathan paused and waited until the return of confirmation from River. He then proceeded “I have a pass ready for you, we sign in and head down to one of the technology labs to get the bracelet fitted and your current one deactivated and removed. Then we leave as soon as we can. If I could do this any other way I would because I am not comfortable with you visiting our Headquarters.”

  “Why?” asked River

  “Too many of the wrong kind of people might be taking an interest in you,” came the cryptic reply from Nathan. River didn’t get the chance to draw him out on his answer because they had arrived at the CPS headquarters and Nathan was busy swiping security readers to gain access to the internal vehicle park. All the signs on approach to the austere building referred to the Civilian Protection & Security Head Quarters. There was practically no reference at all to the Office of Interior even though it was probably one of the biggest and most powerful government offices. River saw a rare road marking directing traffic into a left stream in order to access the Office of Interior. They took that path. Once parked, Nathan walked briskly to the elevators and swiped in security access for himself and River. They dropped down to floor B3, and then had a brief walk down a set of corridors before he swiped security access again in order to access an I.T. Lab. Inside the lab a number of technicians were working mostly on various hardware projects. A few looked up but no one really passed them any heed. Nathan led River through to the rear of the lab and into an adjoining office where an older and more senior technician was sitting at his desk catching up on his administration. Nathan did the introductions.

  “Hello David, This here is River.”

  David was a little portly, and thus probably younger than first impressions portrayed. “Hello guys. How are you doing River,” he said standing up and reaching to shake hands with each in turn. David then led the way out of his office walking and talking over his shoulder as Nathan and River followed him to a work bench near the corner of the lab. -“So I have modified a diplomatic bracelet that our officials wear when visiting other Metropolis. They are not comfortable using their ID implants for temporary access in other citadels. So we use similar bracelets to this one…” -he had picked up a bracelet from the work bench and was gesturing with it in hand as he talked- “…This enables them to get temporary access, rights and privileges without the intelligence service in those citadels being able to back access privileged and secure data from the New Denver profile.” -David reached out to take hold of River’s right arm whilst he examined his current custodial bracelet- “I have to say that you are the first person that I have ever come across that is allergic to any implant.” -David was addressing River directly, “I mean they use totally anti allergenic materials as well as T-cell suppressors in those implants. Could you imagine the disorder if everyone became allergic? Geez, it would be an I.T. Armageddon. It doesn’t bear thinking about.” Whilst David talked, he was positioning River’s old bracelet over a desk mounted reader and deactivating it. As soon as that was complete he unclasped the bracelet which then fell off. David still held onto River’s wrist with one hand whilst his other snapped the new identity bracelet in its place. “I now declare you man and wife,” he chuckled even though his joke was lost on everyone present. “Now this bracelet has got cloned information from the implant record compiled by the Environment Office. There are no updates to those records since the day it was rejected. Also there are medical records on profile but they can only be updated by external writing. What I am saying is that there is no biological spore updating his medical records in real time anymore. Is this okay?”

  “More than OK,” declared Nathan. “Thank you very much for your work on this David. You are a real friend. Now I better get this young man out of here before someone accuses him of stealing it,” This time David didn’t find Nathan’s joke very funny, but he walked both men to the door in the style of a good host.

  As the door opened, their way was blocked by two burly security guards wearing the all black militaristic uniform of the Interior Office which showed the insignia of Internal Security. One of the Privates addressed Nathan.

  “Major Carlson, we are instructed to escort you to a review board on the 6th floor. Please come with us.”

  Even though Nathan out ranked both men, there was no dilemma about who was really in charge here. Nathan would have to report immediately. His main concern was River
though, “River please stay here with David in his office, and just sit tight even if I am a long time. Don’t leave or go anywhere. David, can you oblige?”

  Nathan was escorted up to the sixth floor. A review board was another name for a supervision meeting. It meant that Nathan had to report to a panel of superiors who were about to proceed with an unannounced review of his recent movements and actions. The two Internal Security guards walked Nathan into the designated room. He saluted the board and sat him down in a single chair which faced a large desk seating a panel of three ranking Security Officers. Nathan only knew one of them to speak to. This was Colonel Paul Richards who was the officer in command of his intelligence department. He was a silver haired man in his early sixties. Sitting to his left was the Deputy of Operations Leo Weiss who was Richard’s boss and on the right was an unknown officer who was wearing the uniform of the Internal Security. They each had access to a visual display in front of them and for the benefit of Nathan a large screen above and behind their heads allowed Nathan to view the same content.

  Leo Weiss was a fifty year old career officer of short stature and sharp features. He began by formally stating the intentions of the review board, “Major Carlson, you have been randomly selected for review, analysis, and approval of your actions and conduct over a randomly selected period of duty.” The word random was being used and accentuated a lot. This was likely because every one present in the room knew that random was not a factor here. Nathan’s recent actions both on and off duty had raised an alarm somewhere, or with someone. The other misnomer was the word ‘duty’ because the panel seemed more interested in Nathan’s out of working-hours curriculum. Weiss continued, “Major Donnell of Internal Security will be playing us selected highlights of a period of two recent periods of duty. After each has played out, we would like you to pass commentary on what is actually happening or taking place.”